Ainadamar: Federico Garcia Lorca

5 June 1898 – 19 August 1936

Widely recognized Spanish poet, playwright, dramatist murdered during Spanish Civil War.

Was it his support of the Republican cause or his flagrant homosexuality that brought about his death? There are many references to homosexuality in his work. Whatever, he was one of the most popular poets in Spain during his life and interest in his work has continued both in Spanish and in translation. His plays, such as The House of Bernardo Alba continue to be produced internationally.

the 2009 British/Spanish film, Little Ashes chronicled his tempestuous relationship with Salvador Dali.

But for many, it is why he was assassinated at the pinnacle of his life or the question of where he was buried that continues to haunt us. Remains found in a mass grave in  Alfácar have proven not to be hm.

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